Friday, February 19, 2010

First Post (sort of)

I've been playing around with this blog and the various pages on it for a number of days now.
It started off as a typical blog, then became more of a promotional webpage... I hope that now I've found something of a middle ground!
The decision is to have pages organised thusly:
  • one dedicated to every different style of jewellery I create, with pictures and a brief explanation. Photos will be added as I create more pieces using the same technique, so simply scroll down as far as she'll go to see all my latest creations.
  • a page about me (slightly narcissistic, I know), outlining a vague design philosophy. It's a work in progress, OK?
  • and finally, the home page, where I'll be writing about day to day creative stuff for those who are interested in such things. Y'know, typical bloggy things.
If you want to have a look at all these things, simply click on the links in the right hand column.
That's all for now!